Professional Consulting
UAV Flight Training
We leverage our decades of experience as instructors in the highly successful world of manned aviation and apply them to the umanned world. Our UAV pilot training is industry leading and will provide the base you need to start offering professional UAV services in industries like cinematogrpahy, photography, construction, agriculture, realestate, structural inspection, and many more.
FAA 107 Remote Pilot Knowledge Test Prep
Mission Specific Training
Regulatory - Waiver, Airspace Authorizations, Airworthiness Assesments
SMS and UA Operational Safety Audit (UAOSA)
VAUAS Professional Association
VAUAS is the unmanned aircraft chapter of the Virginia Aviation Business Association (VABA). While we are a subchapter of the larger organization, we are also advocates for our specific unmanned aircraft community. Our goals are to provide continuing education to our memebership building a competitive advantage for those in the commercial world and reperesent the greater community in policy and government issues that may adversly effect the growth of our unamanned aircraft industry.
Community Outreach
We are passionate about the UAV industry and work in many ways to help educate policy makers, citizens of our communities, local law enforcement, teachers and the sUA community about the uses of UAV. We are frequently behind the scenes at many industry events helping to create a safe environment for sUA as well as on stage presenting to interested parties helping to spread the good word about drones.
Virginia UAS is the leading provider of small unmanned aircraft training and operational integration in Virginia. Veteran owned, our team is comprised of industry leading subject matter experts with more than 90 years of combined unmanned aircraft experience. We have more than 30,000 hours of professional manned aviation experience and a team that is actively engaged with the FAA creating standards for the unmanned aviation industry. Our leadership has actively participated with the Virginia Governor’s Unmanned Systems Commission and is involved first hand promoting the growth and proliferation of safe and efficient operation of small unmanned aircraft in Virginia. With industry leading knowledge, training and experience rooted in professional manned and unmanned aviation flight operations, Virginia UAS is well positioned to assist Public Sector entities and Fortune 1000 companies with the safe deployment of sUAS technology leveraging operational efficiencies.
Scott Strimple
Harry Gregori
Robert Klenke Ph.D.
